Discovering Great Mormon Buildings

Fairview North Ward

Fairview North Ward Exterior

The original building included a Relief Society Room, Kitchen, Boy Scout Room which opened up to a baptismal font, and many classrooms in the basement. On the main floor was the Amusement Hall (left side of photo), Chapel perpendicular to the hall (the main roof length in the photo) and a Reception Hall between the two, just off the main entry which is obscured by the tree. The Reception Hall contained a fireplace and opened up on both sides to connect both large assembly spaces. The only other room on the main floor was a Bishop’s Room which can be seen as the gabled bump-out on the right side of the photo with the chimney coming out of it. This Bishop’s room not only had a fireplace, but also a small toilet room. The only access to the office was directly from the Rostrum at the front of the Chapel. Below this office was the font.

A 1973 remodel changed the Bishop’s restroom into a small Clerk’s office and the Organ chamber behind the rostrum into a classroom. Finally, in 1986 a nicely-built wing was added perpendicular to the back side of the Chapel containing two Bishop’s offices, Clerk, main level restrooms and classrooms. Today the exterior remains largely unchanged, except for the addition of a steeple to the building.

131 E 100 N
Fairview, Utah
Built 1936
Architect: Anderson and Young
Map Location of Building